The Concept of Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of a study is a key part of the research design. A conceptual framework is defined as a “visual or written product that explains either graphically or in written words, the main things to be studied – the key factors, concepts or variables – and the presumed relationship among them” (Miles and Huberman, 1994). In broader sense this framework can also be called the theoretical framework or idea concept for the research.

the framework is a model of what a researcher plans to study, what conditions are the elements in, what activities are going on related to the variables and why. So it is a tentative theory of the phenomena that he is investigating.The function of this framework is to enlighten t rest of the research design. It also helps a researcher assess and refine the objectives, develop genuine and relevant research questions, choose suitable methods of research, and identify potential validitythreats. PhD box guides the researcher to create an effective conceptual framework.

The research problem is a part of the conceptual framework, because it identifies some activity that is going on in the surroundings, which is giving rise or contributing to the problem that the research seeks to solve. A clear statement of the research problem is critical to justify the research, as it brings forth the importance and contribution of the research. It also defines the problem and the information that is required to solve it. PhD Thesis Consultant India works with experts and scholars to find better ways to define research problems.

The conceptual framework must not be restricted to the literature review. Doing so might limit the scope of the problem definition just to the references of the research. PhD Thesis Help must be taken to widen the scope of research. The researcher’s personal experience, as well as sources that are not documented must also be included in the consideration for research problems.